In our technology-driven world, rising dental injuries have prompted re-evaluation of treatment methods. Key focuses include preventing carious lesions through early detection and good oral hygiene. Precise diagnostic tools enable tailored treatments, such as fluoridation, sealing, pH-adjusting diets, resin infiltration, and ozone remineralization. Dental enamel is crucial for tooth function. Researchers aim to replicate its complex structure for biocompatible materials. Hydroxyapatite’s unique properties are vital for hard tissues like bones, enamel, and dentin. Enamel development involves ameloblasts in pre-eruptive and post-eruptive stages. Saliva aids post-eruptive maturation but can lead to bacterial adhesion and enamel demineralization. Preventing enamel demineralization hinges on ion transport and critical pH levels, while low calcium levels impact enamel cells. Dietary sugars interact with bacteria, causing demineralization, but saliva aids remineralization. Caries risk depends on factors like diet, oral hygiene, and tooth morphology. Personalized approaches like Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) for caries risk assessment (CRA) are crucial. Traditional enamel protection methods involve fluoride and dental sealants, but concerns exist about fluoride toxicity and bacterial resistance. Modern alternatives include resin infiltration for early caries, argon laser technique for lesion protection, and ozone therapy to combat decay, offering noninvasive options for enamel care.