In Auger electron spectroscopy, both the primary electrons entering the sample and the Auger electrons leaving tbe sample may suffer strong diffraction effects. On well-ordered singlecrystal surfaces, diffraction effects may result in variations in tbe intensity of an Auger peak by a factor of up to two or more wben tbe incident beam direction is varied by a few degrees. Tbe large angular acceptance angle of most Auger spectrometers normally averages out any diffraction effects of the Auger electrons themselves.Diffraction effects of tbe primary electron beam (commonly called channelling) may be described qualitatively in terms of the two-beam theory of electron diifraction. A more exact representation requires a multiple beam calculation similar to that used in electron microscopy.For quantitative AES it is essential to establi wbetber diffraction is likely to influence tbe results and, is so, to take appropriate steps to eliminate or at least to minimize its effect. On tbe other band, these channelling effects provide valuable information about tbe near-surface order of tbe sample and potentially provide a technique corn plementary to x-ray photoelectron diffraction.
INTRODUCTIONAuger electron spectroscopy (AES) is now one of the standard surface analytical techniques and is used routinely in a wide range of fundamental and applied studies. It is important, therefore, for the effective use of AES that all factors influencing its quantification should be well understood. The influence of crystalline effects on the intensity of Auger peaks has long been recognized. To quote from a paper by Rusch et al. ' published in 1973: 'A quantitative theory of Auger electron emission or quantitative comparisons of data obtained with different sample orientations must include their Kikuchi correlation. Furthermore, when using high spatial resolution electron probes, this Kikuchi correlation will complicate quantitative comparisons of Auger signal intensities from randomly oriented microcrystalline grains.'In 1977, Chang2 reported a large variation in the Si KLL peak intensity from a silicon (111) wafer as the incident beam direction was changed, but apart from this, crystalline effects were generally ignored in the practical application of AES until 1983 when Viefhaus et al.3 discovered that the peak height ratio for phosphorus/iron peaks from a sample where phosphorus was segregated to the surface was strongly dependent on the incident beam direction. The next year, Bishop et aL4 showed that variations of as much as a factor of three could be observed in the KLL Auger peak intensity as the incident beam was rotated through the (1 10) pole of an aluminium single crystal. They also showed that the effect was produced by diffraction of the primary electron beam. Earlier work on diffraction effects associated with AES was also reviewed by these authors. Doern et al.,5 in the same year, demonstrated the truth of the prediction of Rusch et al. ' by showing that Auger peak intensities varied by as much as 40% between grains in...