A laser nephelometric procedure to quantitate fibrinogen related antigens (FRA), that joined the best characteristics of the immunological available techniques, is proposed. It is sensitive, rapid, simple, reproducible, antiserum saving and accurate since it correlates very well with the tanned red cell hemagglutination inhibition immunoassay (TRCHII) at the most commonly found clinical levels (r = 0.98, p less than 0.0005), but with the advantage of a more objective quantitation and thus, reliable for any concentration of FRA. Prepared samples of different known levels of fibrinogen, assayed with the laser method and the TRCHII, showed a higher correlation with the laser procedure (r = 0.97, p less than 0.0005) than the obtained with the TRCHII (r = 0.85, p less than 0.001). The technic is useful in emergency situations, routine work and research.