Transdermal therapeutic systems have been developed by conceiving effective enhancement methods against the stratum corneum (SC) barrier function.1) Researchers have reported a number of chemical, biochemical, and physical enhancers that increase the skin flux of drugs by different mechanisms.2,3) These enhancers individually increase the flux in in vitro skin penetration and in vivo animal experiments, although their applications in humans are limited due to undesirable side effects. For safety, economic, and efficacy reasons, a combination of enhancers was proposed in several reports.4-6) Previously, we reported that the ultrasound (US) and iontophoresis (IP) combination (USϩIP) synergistically increased the penetration flux of a chemical with large molecular weight in vitro.7) It was clear that US increased the diffusivity of chemicals in the SC and that IP enhanced the movement of water through the SC.This study investigated the mechanism of the synergistic effects on skin penetration with USϩIP. We performed skin penetration experiments with US and IP using seven model chemicals with different electric charges and molecular weights in vitro. Moreover, the effects of electroosmosis during IP application were simulated assuming a bilayer [SC and viable skin (VS)] skin model. 8) We discuss the effects of an electric charge and molecular weight on the synergistic enhancement by USϩIP. Table 1. The molecular weight of the model chemicals used ranged from 100 to 1500 and, under those conditions, the SC controlled their skin penetration. 9) In this study, we especially paid attention to the molecular weight and electric charge of chemicals.
MaterialsHydrogel Preparation After the model chemicals were dissolved in phosphate buffer 5 mM (pH 7.4), the buffer and hiviswako104 were thoroughly mixed. Then, triethylamine was added to adjust the gel pH to neutral. Each model chemical was maintained at a fixed concentration during the experiment, as listed in Table 1. Blank gel without a model chemical was also prepared as described above. The hydrogels were stored in a refrigerator at 4°C before use.In Vitro Skin Penetration Experiment Abdominal intact and stripped skin was excised from hairless mice. The stripped skin completely removed the SC from intact skin by adhesive tape (CT-24F, Nichiban Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) stripping. The skin samples were mounted on a vertical penetration cell system (Vidrex Co., Ltd., Fukuoka, Japan) with two half moon-shaped diffusion areas (2 cm 2 ).10) The epidermis of the skin faced the receptor compartment (55 ml) that was filled with phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.4). The donor
Mechanisms of Synergistic Skin Penetration by Sonophoresis and IontophoresisTomohiro HIKIMA,* Shinya OHSUMI, Kenta SHIROUZU, and Kakuji TOJO The mechanism of skin penetration enhancement by ultrasound under sonophoresis (US) or by an electrical field under iontophoresis (IP) was investigated using hairless mouse skin in vitro. The seven model chemicals with different molecular weights (...