The interaction of the low pressure flame of a 2H 2 -O 2 mixture with a quartz reactor surface was studied by the resonance fluorescence technique. The results confirmed the funda mental statement of N. N. Semenov´s theory concerning chain propagation in the gas and termination on the surface in the kinetic region of chain termination (quadratic decay in the heterogeneous negative chain interaction) and in the diffusion region (linear decay). The kinetic curves observed in the kinetic and diffusion chain termination regions on the wall were well matched using N. N. Semenov´s theory, taking into account the heterogeneous catalytic chain initiation and interaction processes occurring on the wall with a variable "rate constant." The interaction of chains on the wall markedly retards ignition in the gas in the kinetic region and has almost no influence on chain propagation in the gas in the diffusion region of the heterogeneous chain termination.The research into the combustion of oxyhydrogen, 2H 2 -O 2 , begun by N. N. Semenov, 1 led subsequently to quantitative agreement between the theory and experi ments carried out within ignition peninsula. 2 However, near the first ignition limit, deviations were observed, which were attributed to the effect of the reactor wall on the flame in the gas. 3-6 A reason for the discrepancy was sought for in either hypothetical chain branching on the reactor wall or in experimental errors. 2,3Models of the possible interaction of active sites (AS) in the branched chain processes (BCP) in the gas phase with the AS formed on the reactor surface in the hetero geneous catalytic processes (HCP) have been ana lyzed. 1,2,6The sensitive resonance fluorescence spectroscopy (RFS) technique used to study BCP revealed the error mentioned previously 3 and provided an agreement be tween the theory and experiments near the first ignition limit of oxyhydrogen. 7,8 Hence, the hypothesis of chain branching on the surface 4,7-14 used to interpret the ex periment results 15-18 became unnecessary.In this study, which continues a series of publica tions, 7-14 new data on the gas-surface interaction near the lower ignition limit were gained. By gas-surface in teraction, we mean a state of the reaction system in which reactions between the AS in the gas and on the surface have a pronounced effect on the processes in both phases.The purpose of this work is quantitative investigation of the BCP in the gas and HCP on the quartz surface with chain termination in the kinetic and diffusion regions.
Investigation procedureThe investigation strategy is based on N. N. Semenov´s BCP theory, 1,2 which we supplemented by new reactions: variable AS decay on the reactor wall and through surface chain interaction. 7-14 Here we obtained quantitative in formation on the change in the rate "constant" for the heterogeneous decay of AS 11 and the rate "constant" for the heterogeneous chain initiation. Both reactions are catalyzed by the wall material.The ignition of a portion of oxyhydrogen injected into a heated reactor was ...