. The action potential of the unmyelinated nerve is metabolically expensive. Using the energetic cost per unit length for the biophysically modeled action potential of the squid giant axon, we analyze this cost and identify one possible optimization. The energetic cost arising from an action potential is divided into three separate components: 1) the depolarization of the rising phase; 2) the hyperpolarization of the falling phase; and 3) the largest component, the overlapping of positive and negative currents, which has no electrical effect. Using both the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model and an improved version of the HH model (HHSFL), we investigate the variation of these three components as a function of easily evolvable parameters, axon diameter and ion channel densities. Assuming conduction velocity is well designed for each organism, the energy component associated with the rising phase attains a minimum near the biological values of the diameter and channel densities. This optimization is explained by the membrane capacitance per unit length. The functional capacitance is the sum of the intrinsic membrane capacitance and the gating capacitance associated with the sodium channel, and this capacitance minimizes at nearly the same values of diameter and channel density. Because capacitance is temperature independent and because this result is independent of the assumed velocity, the result generalizes to unmyelinated mammalian axons. That is, channel density is arguably an evolved property that goes hand-in-hand with the evolutionary stability of the sodium channel.
I N T R O D U C T I O NIn the nervous system, the action potential is used for long-distance information transmission. Delivery of such information in a timely fashion requires an action potential of sufficient velocity. On the other hand, sufficient velocity has its costs. In what follows, we assume that across species and across the life span of the organism the velocity of any axon is appropriate to its role in information processing.In the neuropil of neocortex, where axons must be unmyelinated if each one is to make several thousand sequential or neighboring synapses, the metabolic costs are surprisingly large. Attwell and Laughlin (2001) estimated that 75% of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) consumed by neurons in the rat brain is used for communication and computation. Of this, half is used by the unmyelinated axons.This metabolic perspective contrasts with and, as we will see, ultimately complements Hodgkin's conjectured constraint on action potential velocity. Both Hodgkin (1975) and Adrian (1975) proposed that the gating charge movement that inevitably accompanies rapid activation of a voltage-dependent channel leads to an optimal density of fast Na ϩ channels. This optimization occurs because the movement of charge specifically restricted to the transmembrane voltage field contributes, albeit transiently, to membrane capacitance. Because increasing capacitance slows action potential propagation, Hodgkin proposed that the Na ϩ channel dens...