Plasma levels of ACTH, 11-deoxycortisol, androstenedione and testosterone and urinary tetrahydro-11-deoxycortisol were determined during a two day oral metyrapone test using doses of 1.5 g every 6 h. The level of 11-deoxycortisol 48 h after the start was distinctive regarding the assessment of pituitary ACTH secretory capacity. The rise of androstenedione concentration after 48 h is distinctive in a similar way, whereas ACTH determination is of little diagnostic value in this respect.Further, an increase in testosterone level can be observed in cases of low basal testosterone production. This increase is probably the result of peripheral conversion of androstenedione to testosterone. Where the basal testosterone concentration was high, no change could be measured.Metyrapone, a compound structurally related to DDT, has been frequently used in the assessment of the secretory capacity of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) since 1958 (Liddle et al. 1959).Metyrapone inhibits adrenal corticosteroid 11-hydroxylase, resulting in a decrease in cortisol synthe¬ sis followed by an increase in ACTH secretion and a rise of the plasma 1 l-deoxycortisol (S) level. The increase of S in plasma is accompanied by an augmented urinary excretion of tetrahydro-11-deoxycortisol (H4S). Short metyrapone tests (usually consisting of one dose of metyrapone) have been described (Jubiz et al. 1970b;Zachmann et al. 1974;Blichert-Toft 1975;Leisti 1977), but the conventional oral mety¬ rapone test is still widely used.Oral administration of metyrapone for three consecutive days results in a 95% inhibition of the 11-ß-hydroxylase, at a daily dose of 4.5 g (Cope et al. 1966).The relative increase of urinary H4S after mety¬ rapone administration exceeds the relative rise in plasma S considerably (Zachmann et al. 1974).However, in order to eliminate the troublesome collection of urine that can be a source of error, we investigated the diagnostic value of several plasma hormone assays in the assessment of ACTH secre¬ tory capacity. For this purpose we measured plasma ACTH, 11-deoxycortisol, androstenedione and testosterone in combination with urinary H4S.
Androstenedione and testosterone measurementswere included because of the data of Nilsson & Hökfelt (1971) and of Schaison et al. (1977), indi¬ cating a five-fold rise of androstenedione during metyrapone administration in normal persons.
Materials and MethodsThe metyrapone test was performed in the following groups of individuals : a. normal women (n = 6) and normal men (n = 8, in¬ cluding 5 cases of delayed puberty) ranging in age from 18 to 77 years (normal controls).b. Twenty-two men and 17 women with a pituitary tumour or a suspected process in the region of the sella turcica; of these 8 men and 4 women had undergone pituitary surgery.