A lot of researches that detect the difference of the proficiency are reported for the dynamic scene of sports. Athlete population increases in late years. However, coach same as before population. In this research, it aimed at the helpful information in the beginner's skill improvement by using the dynamic scene to play badminton for the clearing shot and aimed to acquire it. We compare standard deviation and average time from Ragging-back of stroke in beginner group and expert group to shot. It pretends and it compares it the detection of tracks of the joint part of the racket head to the shot from the Lagging-back beginning. Beginner and expert's difference and common features are clarified by comparing images of the shot in the there is a shuttle state and the state of pretense. As a result, the feature and the beginner who drew yen while swinging to expert's tracks got the feature such as gradual seen from the lowest part of tracks to the shot compared with the expert. Moreover, it has been understood that there is a difference between the beginner group and the expert group also at the time that hangs the shot and stability of the shot.