The effect of interorbital hopping on the orbital selective Mottness in a two-band correlation system is investigated by using the dynamical mean-field theory with the Lanczos method as impurity solver. We construct the phase diagram of the two-orbital Hubbard model with interorbital hopping (t12), where the orbital selective Mott phases (OSMP) show different evolution trends. We find that the negative interorbital hopping (t12 < 0) can enhance the OSMP regime upon tuning the effective bandwidth ratio. On the contrary, for the cases with positive interorbital hopping (t12 > 0), the OSMP region becomes narrow with the increase of orbital hybridization until it disappears. It is also shown that a new OSMP emerges for a large enough positive interorbital hopping, owing to the role exchange of wide and narrow effective orbitals caused by the large t12. Our results are also applicable to the hole-overdoped Ba2CuO 4−δ superconductor, which is an orbital-selective Mott compound at half-filling.