SummaryLand snails are sources of protein to man and are hosts to a number of parasites. It is imperative that the roles of the snail hosts and parasites are clearly defi ned. Before then however, the parasites of the different land snails collected in any locality should be identifi ed. Land snails were collected in the wild in both dry and wet seasons. The internal organs and the faeces were examined for the presence of parasite. In the rainy season of 2015, a total of 272 snails were collected across four major towns (Benin, Uromi, Ekpoma and Auchi) in Edo State, Nigeria, while in the dry season, fewer snails (n=91) were handpicked. The snail species seen are: Achatina achatina (Linnaeus, 1758), Achatina fulica (Férussac, 1821), Acharchatina marginata (Swainson, 1982), Limicolaria aurora (Jay, 1839), L. fl ammea (Müller, 1774) and Limicolariopsis spp. The larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis were isolated from the various snail species with overall prevalence of 54.04 %. Snails positive with Alaria mesocercariae were L. aurora, L. fl ammea and Limicolariopsis spp. Additionally, few L. fl ammea were positive of the cercariae of Drocoelium dedriticum. Meanwhile, some samples of A. fulica harboured larvae of Angiostrongylus cantonesis, sporocysts of Fasciola gigantica and Schistosoma mansoni. Therefore, these edible snails could pose serious health hazard to man and animals by serving as a possible alternative parasite transmission route.