The measurement of the volume of intact, viable cells
presents challenging problems in many areas of
experimental and diagnostic science involved in the
evaluation of cellular morphology, growth and
function. This investigation details the implementation
of a recently developed quantitative phase
microscopy (QPM) method to measure the volume of
erythrocytes under a range of osmotic conditions.
QPM is a computational approach which utilizes simple
bright field optics to generate cell phase maps which,
together with knowledge of the cellular refractive index,
may be used to measure cellular volume. Rat
erythrocytes incubated in imidazole-buffered
solutions (22°C) of graded tonicity were analysed
using QPM (n=10 cells/group, x63, 0.8 NA objective).
Erythrocyte refractive index (1.367) was measured
using a combination of phase and morphological data
obtained from cells adopting spherical geometry under
hypotonic conditions. Phase-computed volume
increased with decreasing solution osmolality: 42.8 ±
2.4, 48.7 ± 2.3, 62.6 ± 2.3, 90.8 ± 7.7 µm3 in solutions
of 540, 400, 240, and 170 mosmol/kg respectively.
These volume changes were associated with
crenated, bi-concave and spherical morphological
states associated with increasing tonicity. This
investigation demonstrates that QPM is a valid, simple
and non-destructive approach for measuring cellular
phase properties and volume. QPM cell volume
analysis represents a significant advance in viable
cell experimental capability and provides for
acquisition of ‘real-time’ data - an option not previously
available using other approaches.