Summary: Real-time RT PCR has been recognized as an accurate, reliable and sensitive method for quantifying gene transcription. However, several steps preceding PCR represent critical points and source of inaccuracies. These steps include cell processing, RNA extraction, RNA storage, assessment of RNA concentration and cDNA synthesis. To compensate for potential variability introduced by the procedure, normalization of target gene expression has been established. Accurate normalization has become an absolute prerequisite for the correct quantification of gene expression. Several strategies are in use for the normalization of data, including normalization to sample size, to total RNA or to an internal reference. Among these, the use of housekeeping genes as an internal (endogenous) control is the most common approach. Given the increased sensitivity, reproducibility and large dynamic range of this methodology, the requirements for a proper reference gene for normalization have become increasingly stringent. The aim of this paper is to discuss the concept of normalization in mRNA quantification, as well as to discuss several statistical algorithms developed to help the validation of potential reference genes. By showing that the use of inappropriate endogenous control might lead to incorrect results and misinterpretation of experimental data, we are joining the creators of Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) in an attempt to convince scientists that proper validation of potential reference genes is an absolute Kratak sadr`aj: RT-PCR je prepoznat kao precizna, pouzdana i osetljiva metoda za kvantifikaciju transkripcije gena. Me|utim, ovoj metodi prethodi nekoliko koraka koji predstavljaju kriti~ne ta~ke i izvor potencijalnih gre{aka. Ovi koraci uklju~uju obradu }elijskog materijala, ekstrakciju ĩ uvanje RNK, odre|ivanje koncentracije RNK i sintezu cDNK. Da bi se kompenzovala potencijalna varijabilnost nastala tokom procedure, uvedena je normalizacija ekspresije ciljnih gena. Precizna normalizacija je postala apsolutni preduslov za ta~nu kvantifikaciju ekspresije gena. Postoji nekoliko strategija za normalizaciju eksperimentalnih podataka, uklju~uju}i normalizaciju u odnosu na veli~inu uzorka, ukupnu RNK ili internu kontrolu (referencu). Kao interna (endogena) kontrola naj~e{}e se koriste geni sa stabilnom ekspresijom. Imaju}i u vidu veliku osetljivost, reproducibilnost i ve liki dinami~ki opseg PCR metode, zahtevi za odgova raju}im referentnim genima koji }e se koristiti za normalizaciju podataka postali su veoma restriktivni. Cilj ovog rada je da razjasni koncept normalizacije i prokomentari{e nekoliko statisti~kih algoritama koji su razvijeni kako bi pomogli u validaciji potencijalnih referentnih gena. Pokazuju}i da kori{}enje neodgovaraju}ih referentnih gena (endogenih kontrola) mo`e da dovede do neta~nih rezultata i pogre{ne interpretacije eksperimentalnih podataka, mi se priklju~ujemo tvorcima uputstva MIQE (eng. Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitati...