MARTINEZ-PACHECO, M. M. et al. 908Ciênc. agrotec., Lavras, v. 35, n. 5, p. 908-915, set./out., 2011 Grain yield, soluble protein and proteolytic activity were monitored when the crop reached physiological maturity. Citric acid was applied before the appearance of the flag leaf, and induced an increase in the grain yield from 4222 to 5780 kg/ha, in the soluble protein from 6.34 to 7.91 mg/mg and into the proteolytic activity from 14.3 to 65.7 µU mg prot -1 . This is an increase of 2 to 12 times in the Falcon, H360 and HV313 hybrids, while the Buffalo hybrid responded with less intensity to the treatment with citric acid. In the H360 hybrid treated with citric acid, an increase in the proteolytic activity of aspartyl serine proteases was observed. The results indicate that citric acid differentially induces proteolytic activity and vigor in the corn hybrids analyzed.
Index terms:Maize, citric acid, proteolytic activity.
RESUMOZea mays L. híbridos (Buffalo, Falcão, H360 e HV313) foram tratados com ácido cítrico (2000 ppm). O rendimento de grãos, proteína solúvel e atividade proteolítica foram monitorados na fase de maturação fisiológica do cultivo. O ácido cítrico aplicado antes do aparecimento da folha bandeira induziu um aumento na produção de grãos 4222 a 5780 kg/ha, na proteína solúvel de 6.34 -7.91 mg/mg de peso seco e atividade proteolítica de 14.3 to 65.7 µU mg prot