Regression of the corpora lutea was hastened in hysterectomized-pseudopregnant rats by parabiotic union with ovariectomized partners. Hysterectomized-pseudopregnant rats paired either with hysterectomized-pseudopregnant or with normal cycling partners had periods of pseudopregnancy similar in length to those in unpaired hysterectomized-pseudopregnant control females. Injections of ether-soluble extracts or of lyophilized homogenates of oestrous rat uteri did not shorten pseudopregnancy in hysterectomized rats.The technique of parabiosis (Bunster & Meyer, 1933) was employed to test for presence of a luteolysin from normal or ovariectomized rats that could cross the parabiotic union and influence the life-span of corpora lutea in pseudopregnant or hysterectomized-pseudopregnant partners. Sprague-Dawley females, 60 to 80 days old, were paired as follows: In Group 1, rats ovari¬ ectomized in di-oestrus were combined 4 or 5 days later with intact pseudo¬ pregnant ones which were in oestrus (Day 1) at the time of the operation; in Group 2, intact rats in oestrus were combined with hysterectomized-pseudo¬ pregnant ones on Day 4 or 5; in Group 3, pseudopregnant females hysterecto¬ mized immediately before parabiosis on Days 3, 4 or 5 were combined with rats ovariectomized 4 or 5 days previously; and in Group4, both pseudopregnant partners were hysterectomized and paired on Day 5. Pseudopregnancy was induced by cervical stimulation with a glass rod at late pro-oestrus or early oestrus. Rats showing vaginal cornification before Day 7 were discarded. Several of the largest corpora lutea in the hysterectomized-and intact-pseudopregnant partners were marked with India ink before joining, using the method described by Spies, Gier & Wheat (1964). Most rats were killed on the day after the first vaginal cornification following pairing or at the expected end of pseudopregnancy for the experimental parabiont; however, in a few cases repeated vaginal smears were followed. At autopsy ovaries were fixed in Bouin's fluid for histological study. Sections were cut at 8 µ and stained with Mallory's triple stain. The presence of India ink verified the age of the corpus * Present address :