Marren, P. M. 2002 (March): Glacier margin uctuations , Skaftafellsj ökull, Iceland: implications for sandur evolution. Boreas, Vol. 31, This paper relates recent proglacia l uvial channel change at Skaftafellsj ökull, southeas t Iceland, to glacier margin uctuations. Observation s of the western portion of the proglacia l braided sandur were made annually between 1996 and 2000. Between 1996 and 1998, during a period of glacier advance , the proximal proglacia l outwash surface at the western end of the glacier margin was characterize d by a complex braided channel pattern active over the entire sandur surface. Retreat of the glacier margin since 1998 led to rapid incision, so that by 1999 abandonmen t of the proximal terrace surface and reorganizatio n of the proglacia l uvial system into a single, entrenche d channel had occurred . Further retreat and incision occurred during 1999-2000. These observation s demonstrat e that glacier retreat at Skaftafellsj ökull is accompanie d by short-lived rapid incision events and terrace formation, separated by long intervals of relatively minor change rather than progressiv e incision over long time periods. The margin of Skaftafellsj ökull is thought to be particularl y sensitive to retreat, as the glacier occupies an overdeepenin g behind the snout and results in lowering of the river's point of exit from the glacier, necessitatin g adjustment of the river's long pro le.