Sllmmary: Thallium-201 (20iT1) washout analysis was proposed as an adjunctive tool to improve the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD). Since reproducibility of 'QiTI washout in dipyridamole (DPM) stress studies is unknown, this item was evaluated in 32 patients (24 with CAD, 8 without CAD), who were scintigraphed twice within 1-2 weeks. At 2 minutes following DPM infusion (0.5 ing/kg/S min), 2 niCi 201T1 were injected. Global and segniental washout were calculated by comparing circumfcrential profiles of respective background-corrected stress (IeJt mtcrior oblique (LAO) 45": 8 min postinfusion (p.i.), 35 niin p.i.; anterior (ANT): 17 min p.i.; LAO 70": 26 min p.i.) and redistribution (4 h p.i.) images. Whereas \isu;il findings were comparable for study I and 11. rcprc>ducibility of 2oiT1 washout was low, indicated by comparing variances aniong patients with variance bctween studies. which were 28.8 and 71.2% of total vari-;iiicc. respectively. Mean differences of segmental washout the studies ranged from 9.75 t o 19.24% with only minor differences with regard to the different views and scgmcnts evaluated. Variability was lower using the intcniicdiate instead o f the initial scintigrarn as reference for the redistribution image (12.87&11.64% VS. 18..59$14.43%, n=8S; p