Size trade-offs of visual versus olfactory organs is a pervasive feature of animal evolution. Comparing Drosophila species, we find that larger eyes correlate with smaller antennae, where olfactory organs reside, and narrower faces. We demonstrate that this tradeoff arises through differential subdivision of the head primordium into visual versus non-visual fields. Specification of the visual field requires a highly-conserved eye development gene called eyeless in flies and Pax6 in humans. We discover that changes in the temporal regulation of eyeless expression during development is a conserved mechanism for sensory trade-offs within and between Drosophila species. We identify a natural single nucleotide polymorphism in the cis-regulatory region of eyeless that is sufficient to alter its temporal regulation and eye size.Because Pax6 is a conserved regulator of sensory placode subdivision, we propose that alterations in the mutual repression between sensory territories is a conserved mechanism for sensory trade-offs in animals.Cellular and molecular mechanisms governing sensory development have been extensively studied in a variety of invertebrate (D. melanogaster, C. elegans) and vertebrate (mouse, chick, zebrafish) model organisms. These analyses have revealed that a common feature of sensory development is a shared developmental origin of most head sensory structures -such as eyes and noses -which derive from the subdivision of a single multipotent primordium. In vertebrates, most head sensory organs develop from a multipotent preplacodal ectoderm (Grocott et al., 2012;Singh and Groves, 2016). The olfactory and lens placodes derive from the subdivision of the anterior aspect of this common placode. Similarly, during Drosophila development, the ectodermal eye-antennal imaginal disc (EAD) gives rise to all external head structures, including the visual (compound eyes and ocelli) and olfactory (antennae and maxillary palps) sense organs, and the head cuticle. The subdivision of the EAD along the anterior-posterior axis forms the eye (posterior) and antennal (anterior) compartments, respectively. Each compartment is further subdivided into sensory organ versus head cuticle. Antagonistic relationships between gene regulatory networks (GRNs) and signaling pathways that promote different sensory identities regulate these processes (Grocott et al., 2012; Singh and Groves, 2016). For example, in vertebrates, the transcription factors (TFs) promoting olfactory and lens identity, Dlx5 and Pax6, are first co-expressed in the entire vertebrate anterior placode. Their expression domains segregate as the lens and olfactory territories become distinct. Ectopic expression of Dlx5 in the lens placode leads to the loss of Pax6 expression and of lens identity (Bhattacharyya et al., 2004). A similar mechanism subdivides the fruit fly EAD. At early developmental stages, TFs promoting eye fate, such as Pax6 homologs Eyeless (Ey) and Twin-of-Eyeless (Toy), and the SIX factor Sine oculis are ubiquitously co-expressed with TFs promotin...