The density of a moderately dense gas evolving in a vacuum is given by the solution of an Enskog equation. Recently we have constructed in [ARS17] the stochastic process that corresponds to the Enskog equation under suitable conditions. The Enskog process is identified as the solution of a McKean-Vlasov equation driven by a Poisson random measure. In this work, we continue the study for a wider class of collision kernels that includes hard and soft potentials. Based on a suitable particle approximation of binary collisions, the existence of an Enskog process is established.Let us briefly comment on particular examples of collision kernels Bp|v´u|, nq in dimension d " 3. Boltzmann's original model was first formulated for (true) hard spheres where Bp|u´v|, nqdn " |pu´v, nq|dn.A transformation in polar coordinates to a system where the center is in u`v 2 and e 3 " p0, 0, 1q is parallel to u´v, i.e. e 3 |u´v| " u´v, leads to Bp|u´v|, nqdn " |pu´v, nq|dn " |u´v| sinˆθ 2˙c osˆθ 2˙d θdφ,where θ P p0, πs is the angle between u´v and u ‹´v‹ and φ P p0, 2πs is the longitude angle, see Tanaka [Tan79] or Horowitz and Karandikar [HK90]. More generally, many results rely on Grad's angular cut-off assumption where it is supposed that ż S d´1Bp|v´u|, nqdn ă 8,