The diagram below shows the percentage of the investigations for fiscal year 1987 in each of the broad categories of collection of hydrologic data, areal appraisals and interpretive studies, and research projects: COLLECTION OF HYDROLOGIC DATA RESEARCH PROJECTS AREAL APPRAISALS AND INTERPRETIVE STUDIES These investigations are directed toward obtaining the information needed by managers and planners for the solution or alleviation of water problems in New York. The investigations are supported by funds provided by State and local units of government and federal funds from the U.S. Geological Survey and other federal agencies (OFA program). About 80 percent of the federal funds contributed by the Geological Survey are used to match, on a 50-50 basis, the funds contributed by the State and other local units of government. In fiscal year 1987, the financial support for these programs in New York was about $7.3 million, which was distributed as follows: