Due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, various classical systems differing only on the scale smaller than Planck's cell correspond to the same quantum system. We use this fact to find a unique semiclassical representation without the Van Vleck determinant, applicable to a large class of correlation functions expressible as quantum fidelity. As in the Feynman path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, all contributing trajectories have the same amplitude: that is why we denote it the "dephasing representation." By relating our approach to the problem of existence of true trajectories near numerically-computed chaotic trajectories, we make the approximation rigorous for any system in which the shadowing theorem holds. Numerical implementation only requires computing actions along the unperturbed trajectories and not finding the shadowing trajectories. While semiclassical linear-response theory was used before in quasi-integrable and chaotic systems, here its validity is justified in the most generic, mixed systems. Dephasing representation appears to be a rare practical method to calculate quantum correlation functions in nonuniversal regimes in manydimensional systems where exact quantum computations are impossible. The method that is described in this Rapid Communication is based on two observations: the first is the fact that the relationship between classical and quantum dynamics is many to one; the second is the idea of shadowing of a perturbed trajectory by a nearby unperturbed trajectory. We start by explaining these two ingredients in more detail.Classical vs quantum dynamics. In the semiclassical (SC) approximation, quantum wave function is associated with a classical surface (Lagrangian manifold) in phase space. SC evolution of the wave function is performed by classically evolving this surface and computing actions along the trajectories of the points of the surface. At the end, the surface is projected onto an appropriate coordinate plane. If we slightly distort the initial surface, individual trajectories will change exponentially fast. However, if the distortion is small enough, the original and distorted initial surfaces semiclassically correspond to the same quantum wave functions (their overlap is Ϸ1). Due to the unitarity of quantum evolution, the overlap of the two wave functions associated with the two evolved surfaces will remain Ϸ1 for all times.Shadowing. Because of the exponential sensitivity to initial conditions and because of the finite precision of a computer, computer-generated trajectories in chaotic systems are accurate only for a logarithmically short time. As a result, it was not clear whether it makes sense at all to do computer simulations for longer times and whether, e.g., the fractal patterns seen in these simulations are real. The solution was offered by Hammel, Yorke, and Grebogi [1] with the concept of shadowing which was later, in various settings, promoted to a theorem [2,3]. Their finding is that while a computed trajectory diverges exponentially from the true...