We provide a framework for part of the homological theory of Z-algebras and their generalizations, directed towards analogues of the Auslander-Gorenstein condition and the associated double Ext spectral sequence that are useful for enveloping algebras of Lie algebras and related rings. As an application, we prove the equidimensionality of the characteristic variety of an irreducible representation of the Z-algebra, and for related representations over quantum symplectic resolutions. In the special case of Cherednik algebras of type A, this answers a question raised by the authors. S = 0≤q≤p∈Z S p,q with matrix-style multiplication and where each non-zero S q,q is a noetherian, unital algebra and the S p,q are finitely generated modules over both S p,p and S q,q .These algebras are important in noncommutative algebraic geometry -see, for example, [SV] or [VdB]. They are also useful in geometric representation theory, including in the study of rational Cherednik algebras [GS1, GS2], deformed preprojective algebras [Bo, Mu], finite W -algebras [Gi] and deformations of conical symplectic singularities [BPW]. In applications, the Z-algebra provides an effective way to relate the representation theory of the given algebra to the geometry of a resolution of singularities for its associated graded ring: indeed, the Z-algebra can be regarded as a quantization of that resolution. In the above examples, the Z-algebras quantize Hilbert schemes of points on the plane, minimal resolutions of Kleinian singularities, resolutions of Slodowy slices and, most generally, symplectic resolutions of conical symplectic singularities, respectively.What is missing, and what is provided in this paper, is a suitable homological machine to relate the commutative and noncommutative theories. Our aim is show how the Auslander-Gorenstein condition and the related double Ext spectral sequence, that are so useful for enveloping algebras and related rings, can be generalised to work for Z-algebras. As an application we generalize Gabber's equidimensionality result to Z-algebras.1.2. To explain our results in more detail, we need some notation. Write S 0,0 -mod for the category of noetherian left S 0,0 -modules, S-grmod for the category of noetherian left S-modules and S-qgr for the quotient category of S-grmod modulo the bounded modules. Let π S : S-grmod → S-qgr be the natural projection. If the S p,q are (S p,p , S q,q )-progenerators, we say that S is a Morita Z-algebra. In this case, for any q ≥ 0, there is an equivalence of categories S q,q -mod ∼ −→ S-qgr given by Φ : M → π S (S * ,q ⊗ Sq,q M ), where S * ,q = p≥q S p,q .We assume that there is a filtration F on S such that the associated graded algebra gr F S = gr F S p.q = ∆(R). Here, ∆(R) = ∆(R) p,q is the Z-algebra associated to some finitely generated commutative graded algebra R = R n by defining ∆(R) p,q = R p−q for all p ≥ q. There are natural equivalences ∆(R)-qgr ≃ R-qgr ≃ Coh(X), for X = Proj(R). If M ∈ S 00 -mod has a good filtration F , then M = Φ(M ) is naturally filtered an...