Let B be a Lie group admitting a left-invariant negatively curved Kählerian structure. Consider a strongly continuous action α of B on a Fréchet algebra A. Denote by A ∞ the associated Fréchet algebra of smooth vectors for this action. In the Abelian case B = R 2n and α isometric, Marc Rieffel proved in [26] that Weyl's operator symbol composition formula (the so called Moyal product) yields a deformation through Fréchet algebra structures {⋆ α θ } θ∈R on A ∞ . When A is a C * -algebra, every deformed Fréchet algebra (A ∞ , ⋆ α θ ) admits a compatible pre-C * -structure, hence yielding a deformation theory at the level of C * -algebras too. In this memoir, we prove both analogous statements for general negatively curved Kählerian groups. The construction relies on the one hand on combining a non-Abelian version of oscillatory integral on tempered Lie groups with geometrical objects coming from invariant WKBquantization of solvable symplectic symmetric spaces, and, on the second hand, in establishing a non-Abelian version of the Calderón-Vaillancourt Theorem. In particular, we give an oscillating kernel formula for WKB-star products on symplectic symmetric spaces that fiber over an exponential Lie group.