Topological superconductors which support Majorana fermions are thought to be realized in one-dimensional semiconducting wires coupled to a superconductor [1][2][3]. Such excitations are expected to exhibit non-Abelian statistics and can be used to realize quantum gates that are topologically protected from local sources of decoherence [4,5]. Here we report the observation of the fractional a.c. Josephson effect in a hybrid semiconductor/superconductor InSb/Nb nanowire junction, a hallmark of topological matter. When the junction is irradiated with a radio-frequency f 0 in the absence of an external magnetic field, quantized voltage steps (Shapiro steps) with a height ∆V = hf 0 /2e are observed, as is expected for conventional superconductor junctions, where the supercurrent is carried by charge-2e Cooper pairs. At high magnetic fields the height of the first Shapiro step is doubled to hf 0 /e, suggesting that the supercurrent is carried by charge-e quasiparticles. This is a unique signature of Majorana fermions, elusive particles predicted ca. 80 years ago [6].In 1928 Dirac reconciled quantum mechanics and special relativity in a set of coupled equations, which became the cornerstone of quantum mechanics [7]. Its main prediction that every elementary particle has a complex conjugate counterpart -an antiparticle -has been confirmed by numerous experiments. A decade later Majorana showed that Dirac's equation for spin-1/2 particles can be modified to permit real wavefunctions [6,8]. The complex conjugate of a real number is the number itself, which means that such particles are their own antiparticles. While the search for Majorana fermions among elementary particles is ongoing [9], excitations with similar properties may emerge in electronic systems [4], and are predicted to be present in some unconventional states of matter [10][11][12][13][14][15].Ordinary spin-1/2 particles or excitations carry a charge, and thus cannot be their own antiparticles. In a superconductor, however, free charges are screened, and charge-less spin-1/2 excitations become possible. The BCS theory allows fermionic excitations which are a mixture of electron and hole creation operators, γ i = c † i + c i . This creation operator is invariant with respect to charge conjugation, c † i ↔ c i . If the energy of an excitation created in this way is zero, the excitation will be a Majorana particle. However, such zero-energy modes are not permitted in ordinary s-wave superconductors.The current work is inspired by the paper of Sau et al.[15] who predicted that Majorana fermions can be formed in a coupled semiconductor/superconductor system. Superconductivity can be induced in a semiconductor material by the proximity effect. At zero magnetic field electronic states are doubly-degenerate and Majorana modes are not supported. In semiconductors with strong spin-orbit (SO) interactions the two spin branches are separated in momentum space, but SO interactions do not lift the Kramer's degeneracy. However, in * To whom correspondence should be addre...