Proposals for studying topological superconductivity and Majorana bound states in nanowires proximity coupled to superconductors require that transport in the nanowire is ballistic. Previous work on hybrid nanowire-superconductor systems has shown evidence for Majorana bound states, but these experiments were also marked by disorder, which disrupts ballistic transport. In this letter, we demonstrate ballistic transport in InSb nanowires interfaced directly with superconducting Al by observing quantized conductance at zero-magnetic field. Additionally, we demonstrate that the nanowire is proximity coupled to the superconducting contacts by observing Andreev reflection. These results are important steps for robustly establishing topological superconductivity in InSb nanowires.
MainInAs and InSb nanowires (NWs) coupled to superconductors are promising material candidates for studying topological superconductivity harboring Majorana bound states 1,2 and demonstrating non-Abelian particle statistics relevant for topological quantum computation. 3 The basic procedure to observe Majorana zero modes involves tuning a superconducting proximity coupled quantum wire (i.e. a ballistic 1D system) with strong spin-orbit coupling and one spin degenerate mode in magnetic field. 1 Indeed, evidence for Majorana bound states has been observed in proximity-coupled InSb and InAs NWs as a zero-bias conduction peak in tunneling experiments. 4-7 However, preliminary experiments probing Majorana bound states in nanowires were marked by disorder and a soft superconducting gap in the tunneling regime. [4][5][6][7][8] Disorder in nanowire systems is known to break up ballistic transport 9,10 , which is a crucial ingredient for developing 1D topological superconductivity. 1, 2, 4, 9 Additionally, disorder can produce zero-bias conductance signatures similar to Majorana bound states. 11 While the typical signature of ballistic 1D transport-quantized conductance-has been observed in InSb nanowires at high magnetic field 9 and more recently at zero-field, 19 clear demonstrations of ballistic transport at lower fields (< 1T, i.e., before the expected onset of topological superconductivity) in hybrid nanowire-superconductor systems are lacking. Hence, in order to clearly demonstrate topological superconductivity and remove alternative 2 mechanisms for observing zero bias conduction peaks, quantized conductance should be observed at zero magnetic field in NWs proximity coupled to superconductors.Quantized conductance at zero-magnetic field is the step-like increase of conductance with gate voltage through a ballistic 1D constriction, in units of the quantum of conductance, G 0 = 2e 2 /h, for each spin degenerate subband. 12 While quantized conductance in QPCs defined on 2D electron gas (2DEG) materials, such as GaAs heterostructures, is well established, 12-14 demonstrations of quantized conductance in nanowire systems are sparse. In contrast to QPCs in 2DEGs, short nanowire channels contacted by metals are more prone to backscattering ef...