As we have shown in the previous work, using the formalism of matrix and eigenvalue models, to a given classical algebraic curve one can associate an infinite family of quantum curves, which are in one-to-one correspondence with singular vectors of a certain (e.g. Virasoro or super-Virasoro) underlying algebra. In this paper we reformulate this problem in the language of conformal field theory. Such a reformulation has several advantages: it leads to the identification of quantum curves more efficiently, it proves in full generality that they indeed have the structure of singular vectors, it enables identification of corresponding eigenvalue models. Moreover, this approach can be easily generalized to other underlying algebras. To illustrate these statements we apply the conformal field theory formalism to the case of the Ramond version of the super-Virasoro algebra. We derive two classes of corresponding Ramond super-eigenvalue models, construct Ramond super-quantum curves that have the structure of relevant singular vectors, and identify underlying Ramond super-spectral curves. We also analyze Ramond multi-Penner models and show that they lead to supersymmetric generalizations of BPZ equations.
CALT-2017-070 7. Ramond-R super-eigenvalue model and super-quantum curves 56 A. Proofs and computations 63 A.1 Computations in the Ramond-NS sector: the supercurrent S(y) 63 A.2 Computations in the Ramond-NS sector: the energy-momentum tensor T (y) 66 A.3 Computations in the Ramond-NS super-eigenvalue model 67 -1 -The above results have been generalized to a supersymmetric case in [24], by considering (β-deformed) super-eigenvalue models for the Neveu-Schwarz sector [25][26][27][28][29][30]. These models generalize eigenvalue representation of hermitian matrix models in such a way, that the underlying algebra takes form of the Neveu-Schwarz version of the super-Virasoro algebra; in particular corresponding loop equations can be rewritten as super-Virasoro constraints. Consequently, to a super-eigenvalue model one can associate an infinite family of super-quantum curves, which have the structure of Neveu-Schwarz singular vectors of the super-Virasoro algebra. In the classical limit, such super-quantum curves reduce to supersymmetric algebraic curves, which are interesting in their own right [31,32].To sum up, to a given classical (possibly supersymmetric) curve one can associate an infinite family of quantum curves, which have the structure of singular vectors of the underlying algebra. This result was found in [20,24] upon the analysis of eigenvalue models, which provide a representation (or generalization) of matrix models; for a summary see also [33].The aim of the present paper is twofold. First, we clarify the role of conformal field theory in the description of quantum curves. In particular, we rederive (in Virasoro and Neveu-Schwarz case) quantum curves using only conformal field theory techniques (instead of eigenvalue models). The main feature of this approach is the fact, that the singular vector structure of qu...