The concept of basic implication algebra (BI-algebra) has been proposed to describe general non-classical implicative logics (such as associative or non-associative fuzzy logic, commutative or non-commutative fuzzy logic, quantum logic). However, this algebra structure does not have enough characteristics to describe residual implications in-depth, so we propose a new concept of strong BI-algebra, which is exactly the algebraic abstraction of fuzzy implication with pseudo-exchange principle (PEP) property. Furthermore, in order to describe the characteristics of the algebraic structure corresponding to the non-commutative fuzzy logics, we extend strong BI-algebras to the non-commutative case, and propose the concept of pseudo-strong BI (SBI)-algebra, which is the common extension of quantum B-algebras, pseudo-BCK/BCI-algebras and other algebraic structures. We establish the filter theory and quotient structure of pseudo-SBI- algebras. Moreover, based on prequantales, semi-uninorms, t-norms and their residual implications, we introduce the concept of residual pseudo-SBI-algebra, which is a common extension of (non-commutative) residual lattices, non-associative residual lattices, and also a special kind of residual partially-ordered groupoids. Finally, we investigate the filters and quotient algebraic structures of residual pseudo-SBI-algebras, and obtain a unity frame of filter theory for various algebraic systems.