matrix electronic structure theory is used in many quantum
chemistry methods to “alleviate” the computational cost
that arises from directly using wave functions. Although density matrix
based methods are computationally more efficient than wave function
based methods, significant computational effort is involved. Because
the Schrödinger equation needs to be solved as an eigenvalue
problem, the time-to-solution scales cubically with the system size
in mean-field type approaches such as Hartree–Fock and density
functional theory and is solved as many times in order to reach charge
or field self-consistency. We hereby propose and study a method to
compute the density matrix by using a quadratic unconstrained binary
optimization (QUBO) solver. This method could be useful to solve the
problem with quantum computers and, more specifically, quantum annealers.
Our proposed approach is based on a direct construction of the density
matrix using a QUBO eigensolver. We explore the main parameters of
the algorithm focusing on precision and efficiency. We show that,
while direct construction of the density matrix using a QUBO formulation
is possible, the efficiency and precision have room for improvement.
Moreover, calculations performed with quantum annealing on D-Wave’s
new Advantage quantum computer are compared with results obtained
with classical simulated annealing, further highlighting some problems
of the proposed method. We also suggest alternative methods that could
lead to a more efficient QUBO-based density matrix construction.