In a differential absorption experiment the induced infrared transitions from the excitonic 1s to the 2p levels in Cu 2 O have been investigated. Intermediate densities of 1s excitons were created by cw-laser excitation while the interexcitonic 1s to 2p transitions were probed simultaneously, using Fourier spectroscopy. Our data give evidence for a surprisingly large splitting of the 2p level (%3.7 meV) the origin of which is a matter of speculation. An analysis of lineshape and width of the transitions results in a ratio of the effective masses m 1s =m 2p which deviates from the literature value.1 Introduction Compared to normal interband spectroscopy, the study of infrared transitions between different excitonic states can reveal valuable additional information. Due to the different selection rules, states which are invisible for interband spectroscopy, might show up in intersubband spectroscopy which therefore can serve to explore possible finestructures. Furthermore it gives access to the whole populated k-space and as a consequence, the lineshape provides information about dispersion and distribution of the initial and final states.In our contribution we apply the concept of excitonic intersubband spectroscopy to Cu 2 O, which is a naturally grown bulk semiconductor with a direct bandgap at the G point (E g % 2:17 eV at T ¼ 6 K [1]). Cu 2 O is well known for its beautiful series of np excitons (n ¼ main quantum number), the energies of which perfectly fulfill the 1=n 2 relation known from atomic hydrogen. These p-like excitons, showing up in one photon absorption spectroscopy, are only a subseries of all existing p states, namely those having symmetry G