We study the quantum counterpart of the theorem on energy equipartition for classical systems. We consider a free quantum Brownian particle modelled in terms of the Caldeira-Leggett framework: a system plus thermostat consisting of an infinite number of harmonic oscillators. By virtue of the theorem on the averaged kinetic energy E k of the quantum particle, it is expressed as E k = E k , where E k is thermal kinetic energy of the thermostat per one degree of freedom and ... denotes averaging over frequencies ω of thermostat oscillators which contribute to E k according to the probability distribution P(ω). We explore the impact of various dissipation mechanisms, via the Drude, Gaussian, algebraic and Debye spectral density functions, on the characteristic features of P(ω). The role of the system-thermostat coupling strength and the memory time on the most probable thermostat oscillator frequency as well as the kinetic energy E k of the Brownian particle is analysed. arXiv:1904.07555v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]