We report the experimental realization of a Creutz ladder for ultracold fermionic atoms in a resonantly driven 1D optical lattice. The two-leg ladder consists of the two lowest orbital states of the optical lattice and the cross inter-leg links are generated via two-photon resonant coupling between the orbitals by periodic lattice shaking. The characteristic pseudo-spin winding structure in the energy bands of the ladder system is demonstrated using momentum-resolved Ramsey-type interferometric measurements. We discuss a two-tone driving method to extend the inter-leg link control and propose a topological charge pumping scheme for the Creutz ladder system. Recently, it was extended to an interacting case, referred to as the Creutz-Hubbard model, for the study of correlated topological phases [27][28][29][30][31]. In our experiment, the two-leg ladder is formed by the two lowest orbital states in optical lattice, and the cross inter-leg links are generated via the two-photon resonant coupling between the orbitals by lattice shaking. Using momentum-resolved Ramsey-type interferometric measurements, we demonstrate the characteristic pseudo-spin winding structure in the energy bands of the Creutz ladder. We also