Works performed by investigators in our country [1, 2] and abroad [3][4][5] have established that the state of the surface and shape of samples of polycrystalline uranium change under irradiation by a neutron flux. In samples possessing a predominant grain orientation --a texture, a directed change of dimensions, now known as irradiation growth, is observed. Further investigations have shown that this phenomenon is observed with irradiation of both uranium single crystals and other metals with anisotropic thermal expansion coefficients --zirconium, titanium, zinc, and cadmium.It has been established [4] that irradiation of a-uranium single crystals increases the crystal length in the crystallographic direction [010] (along the b-axis of the unit cell) and decreases the crystal length in the direction [100] (along the aaxis of the cell). There are no dimensional changes in the direction [001] (along the c-axis). Dimensional changes are ordinarily described by the growth factor G i according to the equation 1063-4258/98/8501-0438520.00 9Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers