The photochemical cis-trans isomerization of retinal in rhodopsin is investigated by structure sampling and excited state QM/MM trajectories with surface hopping. The calculations uncover the motions responsible for photoproduct formation and elucidate the reasons behind the efficient photoisomerization in the primary event of visual transduction.Visual perception is one of the most fascinating photochemical processes devised by nature. The rhodopsin protein (Rh), through photoinduced molecular deformations, converts with remarkable efficiency the energy of a single photon into chemical energy, eventually leading to a nerve impulse and vision. 1,2 Its primary event involves an ultrafast (200 fs) and efficient (0.65 quantum yield) cis-trans isomerisation of the 11-cis retinal protonated Schiff base (PSB) chromophore. In solvent, the quantum yield is more than three times smaller 3 and the photoisomerization is slower by a factor of 10. Clarifying the mechanism behind this ultrafast and efficient reaction is crucial for a general understanding of efficient and fast biological molecular photo-switches, and for exploiting these properties in artificial/bio-mimetic systems. 4 This photoreaction has been studied in the past both in vacuo 5-7 and in the protein binding pocket. [8][9][10][11][12] All calculations support an ultrafast dynamics through a conical intersection (CI), which directly connects the excited and ground state potentials of the retinal chromophore.Very recent hybrid QM(CASSCF)/MM simulations in Rh 13 have produced experimentally accurate transient sub-20 fs spectroscopies of the CI dynamics and primary visual event (i.e., the 200 fs photorhodopsin formation) that are supportive of a space saving photoisomerization mechanism reminiscent of Warshel's bicycle pedal model. 14 These findings alone, however, can not explain why the photoisomerization in rhodopsin is so uniquely efficient. The remarkable success of this process must be connected with characteristic geometrical changes which assure that at the reactive point (the CI) the wave packet is directed mainly toward the photoproduct side of the potential energy surface, i.e. the all-trans retinal. Candidates for these motions are the internal coordinates which change the dihedrals of the isomerizing double bond, i.e. the C11QC12 carbon skeletal twisting, but also torsion of the C11 and C12 hydrogens, which is related to the hydrogen out-of-plane (HOOP) mode at this bond. Participation of the HOOP mode has been supposed first by Mathies et al., based on the analysis of Raman spectra. 15 A direct connection between the quantum yield and the HOOP motion has been drawn in earlier studies of pre-twisted retinal models in vacuo, where an even higher quantum yield (0.75) has been reported than in rhodopsin. 16 By employing an extended sample of hybrid QM(CASSCF)/ MM trajectories at physiological conditions (50 trajectories, 300 K), here we analyse the motions of the rhodopsin photoreaction leading to the product (11-trans) and educt (11-cis) sides of the ...