This paper designs quantum testing circuit to detect intermediate malicious node and achieve message integrity in the distributed quantum computing. The proposed mechanism has several improvements shown as follows. The random key generation between Alice and Bob such that an attack cannot break this deriving process. Local unitary operations and quantum teleportation in the entangled particles can be used to transfer quantum information in a secure way. For intermediate node has no capability to differentiate which qubit is quantum superposition state or quantum entangled state. In regard to node detection, the receiver has the capability to judge whether intermediate node is honest or not by using quantum testing circuit. Based on this physical property, quantum circuit could be detect malicious node and achieve message integrity. The proposed circuit is scalable.
I. INTRODUCTIONIn In the distributed system, the major difference between classical mechanism and quantum mechanism [1-6] is entanglement. The correlation of the entangled particle used to detect malicious behavior among sharing parties [7][8]. In the distributed quantum computing, quantum mechanism [6] can pre-share entangled particle and use local unitary operations to transfer quantum information without communication. Based on the property of entangled particle, quantum approach is more secure capability than classical approach for distributed computing.By using quantum secret sharing (QSS) [7-8], local unitary operations [9-10] were performed in the entangled particles before executing entanglement swapping. The secret message can be transferred to the connected party. In the distributed system, the routing path from source to destination could be an unsafe outing path. It is necessary to detect the honest of the intermediate nodes for acquiring a secure routing path. This paper represents the first attempt to derive a quantum key by using quantum entangled particles. The deriving process is