A transverse magnetic field Γ is known to induce antiferromagnetic three-sublattice order of the Ising spins σ z in the triangular lattice Ising antiferromagnet at low enough temperature. This lowtemperature order is known to melt on heating in a two-step manner, with a power-law ordered intermediate temperature phase characterized by power-law correlations at the three-sublattice wavevector Q:with the temperature-dependent power-law exponent η(T ) ∈ (1/9, 1/4). Here, we use a newly developed quantum cluster algorithm to study the ferromagnetic easy-axis susceptibility χu(L) of an L × L sample in this power-law ordered phase. Our numerical results are consistent with a recent prediction of a singular L dependence χu(L) ∼ L 2−9η when η(T ) is in the range (1/9, 2/9). This finite-size result implies, via standard scaling arguments, that the ferromagnetic susceptibility χu(B) to a uniform field B along the easy axis is singular at intermediate temperatures in the small B limit, χu(B) ∼ |B| − 4−18η 4−9η for η(T ) ∈ (1/9, 2/9), although there is no ferromagnetic long-range order in the low temperature state.