Here, I focus on the use of microscopic, few-body techniques that are relevant in the many-body problem. These methods can be divided into indirect and direct. In particular, indirect methods are concerned with the simplification of the many-body problem by substituting the full, microscopic interactions by pseudopotentials which are designed to reproduce collisional information at specified energies, or binding energies in the few-body sector. These simplified interactions yield more tractable theories of the many-body problem, and are equivalent to effective field theory of interactions. Direct methods, which so far are most useful in one spatial dimension, have the goal of attacking the many-body problem at once by using few-body information only. Here, I will present non-perturbative direct methods to study one-dimensional fermionic and bosonic gases in one dimension.
IntroductionStrongly interacting quantum many-body ensembles are among the most intriguing and difficult to describe systems in nature. Standard methods such as direct perturbation theory or mean-field approaches are doomed to fail in this regime. Some of these problems, however, can be approximately recast into the form of effective theories which may be either exactly solvable (e.g. integrable quantum systems in one dimension) or weaklyinteracting (e.g. dilute Bose gases). The process of obtaining a microscopically accurate effective theory usually involves solving few-body problems, starting with the two-body sector, exactly, in a certain regime of scattering energies or for either weak or strong binding. These constitute what we may call indirect methods: after the simplified theory is obtained, this still needs to be solved, whether exactly or approximately. More recently, renewed interest in the study of strongly interacting one-dimensional systems has arised, especially due to the possibility of preparing and manipulating these using trapped ultracold atoms. In these settings it has been shown recently that few-body solutions can sometimes be used to extract many-body information directly without having to solve a many-body problem at any stage. Examples of direct methods include the recently developed machinery for trapped multicomponent systems, or a few-body method to obtain non-perturbative approximations to the speed of sound in Luttinger liquids.
Indirect MethodsWe assume throughout these notes that we have a non-relativistic many-body system with N particles, interacting via two-body potentials V , and possibly under the influence of an external trapping (single-