Ultrafast electron dynamics have made rapid progress in the last few years. With Jellyfish, we now introduce a program suite that enables to perform the entire workflow of an electron‐dynamics simulation. The modular program architecture offers a flexible combination of different propagators, Hamiltonians, basis sets, and more. Jellyfish can be operated by a graphical user interface, which makes it easy to get started for nonspecialist users and gives experienced users a clear overview of the entire functionality. The temporal evolution of a wave function can currently be executed in the time‐dependent configuration interaction method (TDCI) formalism, however, a plugin system facilitates the expansion to other methods and tools without requiring in‐depth knowledge of the program. Currently developed plugins allow to include results from conventional electronic structure calculations as well as the usage and extension of quantum‐compute algorithms for electron dynamics. We present the capabilities of Jellyfish on three examples to showcase the simulation and analysis of light‐driven correlated electron dynamics. The implemented visualization of various densities enables an efficient and detailed analysis for the long‐standing quest of the electron–hole pair formation.This article is categorized under:
Theoretical and Physical Chemistry > Spectroscopy
Software > Simulation Methods