In certain regimes, the fidelity of quantum states will decay at a rate set by the classical Lyapunov exponent. This serves both as one of the most important examples of the quantum-classical correspondence principle and as an accurate test for the presence of chaos. While detecting this phenomenon is one of the first useful calculations that noisy quantum computers without error correction can perform [G. Benenti et al., Phys. Rev. E 65, 066205 (2001)], a thorough study of the quantum sawtooth map reveals that observing the Lyapunov regime is just beyond the reach of present-day devices. We prove that there are three bounds on the ability of any device to observe the Lyapunov regime and give the first quantitatively accurate description of these bounds: (1) the Fermi golden rule decay rate must be larger than the Lyapunov rate, (2) the quantum dynamics must be diffusive rather than localized, and (3) the initial decay rate must be slow enough for Lyapunov decay to be observable. This last bound, which has not been recognized previously, places a limit on the maximum amount of noise that can be tolerated. The theory implies that an absolute minimum of 6 qubits is required. Recent experiments on IBM-Q and IonQ imply that some combination of a noise reduction by up to 100× per gate and large increases in connectivity and gate parallelization are also necessary. Finally, scaling arguments are given that quantify the ability of future devices to observe the Lyapunov regime based on trade-offs between hardware architecture and performance.