Quantum Mechanics is a radically new way of thinking about the Nature. It is used for explaining the behavior of an electron to the possible existence of parallel universes. Most of the times, it is just too difficult to get an intuitive grasp of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics is a mathematical framework for describing atomic and subatomic systems. In this paper the basic principles of Quantum Mechanics have been presented. It has been shown that classical probabilities when added increase the overall probability while in quantum probabilities can cancel each other and hence lower the overall probability. A simple approach has been taken by modeling the systems as graphs. The states and dynamics of the systems have been modeled as matrices. The principle of Superposition and the phenomenon of Interference have been explained in a single simulation. Finally the BLAS functions of Julia programming language have been used for simulating the systems under study on a classical computer and a detailed discussion is presented to highlight the incapability of the classical explanation of quantum phenomenon.