The Kochen-Specker (KS) theorem is a corner-stone result in the foundations of quantum mechanics describing the fundamental difference between quantum theory and classical non-contextual theories. Recently specific substructures termed 01-gadgets were shown to exist within KS proofs that capture the essential contradiction of the theorem. Here, we show how these gadgets (and their generalizations) can be used as the optimal measurement structures in many applications of contextuality. We first apply the gadgets to show a large separation between the set of Quantum correlations and the set of correlations achievable in Fundamentally Binary theories. We then show how the entanglement-assisted advantage in zero-error communication, previously discovered for KS proofs persists for the classical channels corresponding to gadgets, under a suitable generalisation. We show how gadgets are optimal structures for contextuality-based randomness generation protocols, allowing to certify the optimal amount of log d bits of randomness for systems of dimension d. We then introduce and study a generalisation to definite prediction sets for more general logical propositions, that we term higher-order gadgets. We pinpoint the role these higher-order gadgets play in KS proofs by identifying these as induced subgraphs within KS graphs and showing how to construct proofs of state-independent contextuality using higher-order gadgets as building blocks. The constructions developed here may help in solving some of the remaining open problems regarding minimal proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem.