Complex materials are characterized by a competition between multiple phases that coexist in a nanoscale phase separation scenario. In particular there is a growing interest in understanding how the competition between Charge-Density-Wave (CDW), the Spin-Density-Wave (SDW) and the defects puddles promotes the material's functionality at the macroscopic scale. For this reason the finding of a new technique that could combine temporal and spatial resolution with bulk sensitivity, is extremely important. A good solution could arrive by the use of a time-resolved scattering technique like X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS). As example of possible application we propose the study of CDW nanoscale dynamic, in a simple system like La 1.72 Sr 0. 28NiO 4 , using the combination of the resonant X-ray Scattering (RXS) and XPCS. This could provide important information on the CDW nanoscale dynamic in complex material characterized by nanoscale phase separation.The physics of complex materials and the emerging coherent macroscopic state like superconductivity is still an open problem [1,2]. In particular, the interplay between the Charge-Density-Wave (CDW), the SpinDensity-Wave (SDW) and the defects ordering is under an intense discussion [3,4]. Indeed there is a strong interest in understanding how the competition, between these phases forming puddles, plays a key role in the promotion of the material's functionality at the macroscopic scale.It is known that the macroscopic properties of complex materials can be tuned by external fields or temperature [5]. These processes occur not via a complete phase transition but, by a spatial rearrangement of the puddles of different coexisting phases. For example the macroscopic metallic behavior, can be obtained via a percolation of metallic domains embedded into an insulating matrix. Even the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) has been predicted to be due by the competition between different phases forming a nanoscale phase separation scenario [6].In order to clarify the phase's coexistence it is important to understand their spatial organization. Up to now only few works point the attention to the visualization of how SDW, CDW and defects puddles are organized. Moreover most of them just probe the local electronic structure using scanning probe techniques [7] or absorption spectroscopy [8][9][10], which are limited to the surface layer only, whose properties may deviate from the bulk considerably. On this purpose an important solution came from the use of innovative techniques like scanning micro X-ray diffraction (SµXRD) and resonant scanning micro X-ray diffraction (rSµXRD) that allow to directly visualize the bulk spatial organization of the SDW, CDW and defects puddles. Indeed by the use of SµXRD on several High temperature superconductors (HTS) it has been possible to directly visualize a complex nanoscale phase separation characterized by the coexistence of competing granular networks of different puddles [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] forming a ...