Based on a set of locally indistinguishable orthogonal product (LIOP) states, a quantum designated multi-verifier signature scheme (LIOP-QDMVS) is proposed. In this scheme, each verifier can independently verify partial signature without exchanging information with other verifiers. The protocol can address the issue of excessive power from individual verifiers, as the signature is accepted as valid only when all verifiers confirm its validity. Additionally, all designated verifiers can collaborate to simulate signatures from the signer, that achieve the non-transferability and source hiding of the protocol. Furthermore, the scheme does not require any third-party involvement, and no entangled states need to be prepared during signature generation. It is proven that the LIOP-QDMVS owns unforgeability, correctness, theoretical information security, and designated verifier properties, as well as it is resistant to replay attacks and impersonation attacks. Therefore, LIOP-QDMVS offers better security and efficiency.