We determine the current exchange amplitudes for free totally symmetric tensor fields ϕ µ 1 ...µs of mass M in a d-dimensional dS space, extending the results previously obtained for s = 2 by other authors. Our construction is based on an unconstrained formulation where both the higherspin gauge fields and the corresponding gauge parameters Λ µ 1 ...µ s−1 are not subject to Fronsdal's trace constraints, but compensator fields α µ 1 ...µ s−3 are introduced for s > 2. The free massive dS equations can be fully determined by a radial dimensional reduction from a (d + 1)-dimensional Minkowski space time, and lead for all spins to relatively handy closed-form expressions for the exchange amplitudes, where the external currents are conserved, both in d and in (d+1) dimensions, but are otherwise arbitrary. As for s = 2, these amplitudes are rational functions of (M L) 2 , where L is the dS radius. In general they are related to the hypergeometric functions 3 F 2 (a, b, c; d, e; z), and their poles identify a subset of the "partially-massless" discrete states, selected by the condition that the gauge transformations of the corresponding fields contain some non-derivative terms. Corresponding results for AdS spaces can be obtained from these by a formal analytic continuation, while the massless limit is smooth, with no van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity.