The observed height distribution of clusters obtained in strained epitaxy has been often interpreted in terms of electronic effects. We show that some aspects can be explained classically by the interplay of strain and edge energies. We find that soft materials can transform directly from monolayer into thicker islands by two-dimensional (2D) multilayer nucleation and growth. There is a critical thickness decreasing with the force constant. Thinner islands are thermodynamically forbidden, due to the insufficient stress relaxation upon clustering particularly under tensile stress. At sufficiently large misfits the barrier for 2D multilayer nucleation is significantly smaller than the barrier for subsequent single-layer nucleation. The effects are found to be quantitatively reasonable and offer a plausible explanation for the absence of thin islands and 2D growth of flattop islands usually attributed to quantum size effects.PACS numbers: 68.35. Md, 68.43.Hn, 68.55.Ac, 68.65.Hb Nanostructures are very promising for optoelectronic and magnetic applications. For efficient operation, the shape, size and thickness distribution of small clusters are important parameters. Therefore it is crucial to understand the factors which control them. The epitaxy of metals on semiconductor surfaces at low temperatures (130K -180K) has been intensively studied in the last years [1,2,3,4]. Some important observations are: (i) flat-top Pb islands with steep edges and a preferred height of 7 monolayers (ML) grow on the wetting layer on Si(111)7 × 7 [1, 2, 3, 5], (ii) islands with thicknesses from 1 to 3 MLs are never observed [3,6,7]; (iii) flat-top Pb islands are preceded by pyramidal or dome-like clusters; clusters thinner than 3 MLs are never registered [8]; (iv) 2-ML thick flat-top Ag islands on Si(111) increase linearly in size with increasing coverage whereas ML islands preserve a nearly constant size of about 5 nm 2 [8]; (v) flat-top islands with a preferred height grow laterally without thickening [1,7,9]; (vi) Vertical growth of Pb/Si(111) takes place by bilayer increments [7,10].The above observations were explained in terms of the energy lowering due to electron confinement and spilling of charge through the metal-semiconductor interface by Zhang, Niu and Shih, who coined for this reason the term "electronic growth" [11]. However, classical effects associated to strain relaxation are expected to contribute, as assumed to explain the fact that the increase of the aspect ratio of flat-top Pb islands is mediated by the formation and growth of strips (or rings) around the outer edges of the islands [12]. The aim of this paper is to show that some of the observations listed above, in particular (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v), can be explained classically in terms of the interplay of strain and edge energies.Two mechanisms have been invoked to address the instability of planar growth against clustering. The first is the nucleationless development of instabilities of a certain wavelength that evolve into faceted three-dimensional (3D...