We consider the decoherence of a single localized electron spin due to its coupling to the lattice nuclear spin bath in a semiconductor quantum computer architecture. In the presence of an external magnetic field and at low temperatures, the dominant decoherence mechanism is the spectral diffusion of the electron spin resonance frequency due to the temporally fluctuating random magnetic field associated with the dipolar interaction induced flip-flops of nuclear spin pairs. The electron spin dephasing due to this random magnetic field depends intricately on the quantum dynamics of the nuclear spin bath, making the coupled decoherence problem difficult to solve. We provide a formally exact solution of this non-Markovian quantum decoherence problem which numerically calculates accurate spin decoherence at short times, which is of particular relevance in solid-state spin quantum computer architectures. A quantum cluster expansion method is developed, motivated, and tested for the problem of localized electron spin decoherence due to dipolar fluctuations of lattice nuclear spins. The method is presented with enough generality for possible application to other types of spin decoherence problems. We present numerical results which are in quantitative agreement with electron spin echo measurements in phosphorus doped silicon. We also present spin echo decay results for quantum dots in GaAs which differ qualitatively from that of the phosphorus doped silicon system. Our theoretical results provide the ultimate limit on the spin coherence (at least, as characterized by Hahn spin echo measurements) of localized electrons in semiconductors in the low temperature and the moderate to high magnetic field regime of interest in scalable semiconductor quantum computer architectures.