Quantum systems are inherently open and subject to environmental noise, which can have both detrimental and beneficial effects on their dynamics. In particular, noise has been observed to enable novel functionalities in bio-molecular systems, making the simulation of their dynamics an important target for digital and analog quantum simulation. However, current quantum devices are typically noisy, limiting their computational capabilities. In this work, we propose a novel approach that leverages the intrinsic noise of a quantum device to reduce the quantum computational resources required for simulating open quantum systems. We achieve this by combining quantum noise characterization methods with quantum error mitigation techniques, which allow us to transform and control the intrinsic noise in a quantum circuit. Specifically, we selectively enhance or reduce decoherence rates in the quantum circuit to achieve the desired simulation of open system dynamics. We describe our methods in detail and report on the results of noise characterization and quantum error mitigation on real and emulated IBM Quantum computers. We also provide estimates of the experimental resource requirements for our techniques. We believe that this approach can pave the way for new simulation techniques in Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices, where their intrinsic noise can be harnessed to assist quantum computations.