We show that a thermally isolated system driven across a quantum phase transition by a noisy control field exhibits anti-Kibble-Zurek behavior, whereby slower driving results in higher excitations. We characterize the density of excitations as a function of the ramping rate and the noise strength. The optimal driving time to minimize excitations is shown to scale as a universal power law of the noise strength. Our findings reveal the limitations of adiabatic protocols such as quantum annealing and demonstrate the universality of the optimal ramping rate.Understanding adiabatic dynamics and its breakdown in many-body systems is fundamental to the progress of quantum technologies [1]. Adiabatic evolution is the cornerstone of the quantum annealing scheme for state preparation and quantum computation [2, 3]. The adiabatic theorem states that the dynamics of a physical system is free from diabatic transitions under slow driving [4]. The suppression of excitations becomes challenging in the absence of an energy gap, e.g., when crossing a quantum critical point (QCP) [5][6][7]. The density of excitation follows a universal power aw as a function of the rate of change of the control field driving the system through the QCP [8-11] and can be reduced by resorting to slow ramps. This universal scaling is the key prediction of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM), initially developed for classical continuous phase transitions [12,13].While its experimental verification still calls for further studies [7], KZM is believed to be broadly applicable. Yet, a conflicting observation has been reported in the study of mutiferroic systems: approaching the adiabatic limit, slower ramps generate more excitations [14]. This counterintuitive phenomenon was termed anti-Kibble-Zurek (anti-KZ) dynamics. While tests of KZM in the quantum regime are scarce, the data in one of them hint at a possible anti-KZ behavior [15]. Here we show that in a thermally isolated quantum system, the presence of noisy fluctuations in the control field naturally provides an explanation for anti-KZ behavior.We start by considering a linear passage through the QCP. A control field g is turned on from zero value to unity as in standard quantum annealing schemes, crossing a QCP at g c = 1 2 . When the transition is crossed at a rate 1/τ fixed by the ramp duration τ, KZM predicts universal power-law for the density of excitations n 0 ∝ τ −β , with β = dν/(1 + zν), where ν and z are the correlation length and dynamic critical exponents, and d is the dimensionality of the system. The subindex in n 0 is introduced to denote noise-free driving. The density of excitations monotonically decreases with τ and vanishes in the limit of τ → ∞.The control over the system, however, is never perfect. In particular, the modulation in time of the control field might be subject to noise [16][17][18][19][20]. In our study, we consider a thermally isolated system with no coupling to a thermal environment or heat bath, discussed in [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. While the dynamics is ...