In the theory of friction, there are many approaches to the description of the frictional interaction of condensed bodies. However, recently, those models in which the frictional interaction is described from positions close to quantum mechanical exchange forces (Adirovich-Blokhintsev, phonon friction, the hypothesis of the Bershadsky tribon model) are acquiring an increasing interest. The tribon model of friction interaction was developed and described in detail by the authors in a number of papers and monographs. The main research result was the obtaining of a linear dependence between tribotechnical parameters and the number of tribons generated in the tribocoupling. It was found that weak absorption of tribons leads to the formation of strong frictional bonds and, consequently, high values of the friction coefficient and wear. The tribon model simplifies the thermodynamics of friction, including its physical apparatus, connecting the entropy increase and the generation of tribons.