On the basis of the three fundamental principles of (i) Poincaré symmetry of space time, (ii) electromagnetic gauge symmetry, and (iii) unitarity, we construct an universal Lagrangian for the electromagnetic interactions of elementary vector particles, i.e., massive spin-1 particles transforming in the`1 2 , 1 2´r epresentation space of the Homogeneous Lorentz Group (HLG). We make the point that the first two symmetries alone do not fix the electromagnetic couplings uniquely but solely prescribe a general Lagrangian depending on two free parameters, here denoted by ξ and g. The first one defines the electric-dipole and the magnetic-quadrupole moments of the vector particle, while the second determines its magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole moments. In order to fix the parameters one needs an additional physical input suited for the implementation of the third principle. As such, one chooses Compton scattering off a vector target and requires the cross section to respect the unitarity bounds in the high energy limit. In result, we obtain the universal g = 2, and ξ = 0 values which completely characterize the electromagnetic couplings of the considered elementary vector field at tree level. The nature of this vector particle, Abelian versus non-Abelian, does not affect this structure. Merely, a partition of the g = 2 value into non-Abelian, gna, and Abelian, ga = 2 − gna, contributions occurs for non-Abelian fields with the size of gna being determined by the specific non-Abelian group appearing in the theory of interest, be it the Standard Model or any other theory.