All existing quantum oblivious transfer protocols are to realize the oblivious transfer of bit or bit-string. In this paper, p-Rabin quantum oblivious transfer of a qubit (abbr. p-Rabin qubit-OT) is achieved by using a probabilistic teleportation (abbr. PT) protocol. Here, this is the first time that the concept of qubit-OT is presented. As the PT protocol is able to transfer an (un)known pure state with a certain probability, this feature makes the PT protocol well fit for Rabin OT. Furthermore, the PT protocol can be used for OT of a bit by encoding classical bit with two pre-agreed orthogonal states. Finally, security analysis shows that the PT protocol can be against participants attacks, and what's more, the discussion of relationship with no-go theorem demonstrates that the PT protocol is able to evade the no-go theorem.Keywords p-Rabin oblivious transfer • probabilistic teleportation • security analysis • no-go theorem