We start with an SU (N ) Yang-Mills theory on a manifold M, suitably coupled to scalar fields in the adjoint representation of SU (N ), which are forming a doublet and a triplet, respectively under a global SU (2) symmetry. We show that a direct sum of fuzzy spheres S 2 Int2 emerges as the vacuum solution after the spontaneous breaking of the gauge symmetry and lay the way open for us to interpret the spontaneously broken model as a U (n) gauge theory over M × S 2 Int F . Focusing on a U (2) gauge theory we present complete parameterizations of the SU (2)-equivariant, scalar, spinor and vector fields characterizing the effective low energy features of this model. Next, we direct our attention to the monopole bundles SF (ℓ) with winding numbers ±1, which naturally come forth through certain projections of S 2 Int F , and give the parameterizations of the SU (2)-equivariant fields of the U (2) gauge theory over M × S 2 ± F as a projected subset of those of the parent model. Making contact to our earlier work [1], we explain the essential features of the low energy effective action that ensues from this model after dimensional reduction. Replacing the doublet with a k-component multiplet of the global SU (2), we provide a detailed study of vacuum solutions that appear as direct sums of fuzzy spheres as a consequence of the spontaneous breaking of SU (N ) gauge symmetry in these models and obtain a class of winding number ±(k−1) ∈ Z monopole bundles S 2 ,±(k−1) F over S 2 F (ℓ) as certain projections of these vacuum solutions and briefly discuss their equivariant field content. We make the observation that S 2 Int F is indeed the bosonic part of the N = 2 fuzzy supersphere with OSP (2, 2) supersymmetry and construct the generators of the osp(2, 2) Lie superalgebra in two of its irreducible representations using the matrix content of the vacuum solution S 2 Int F . Finally, we show that our vacuum solutions are stable by demonstrating that, they form mixed states with non-zero von Neumann entropy.